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Language And Speech Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Language And Speech College Essay Examples

Title: redneck stereotype

Total Pages: 17 Words: 4773 Works Cited: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Why are rednecks sterotyped by TV?

The proposal must be written at a high academic level(doctorate). It must include parenthetical citations. The paper must be centered around the theories given later.

Intro - 2-3 pages and it must concepulize the term redneck as well as tell what the paper will be about.

Lit Review - operrationlize redneck and how TV sterotypes them. Why are they sterotyped by the media? The answer should support the following ideas: All groups are ethnocentric; that is they subcribe to "the view of things in which one's own group is the center of everthing, and all others are scales or rated with reference to it (Sumner, 1906) One concequence of ethnocentrism is that people base their expectations regarding cross-culture interaction on their own culture's norms and rules regaring social interaction(Brislin, 1986). Another concequesnce of ethnocentrism is thaqt one's own group's norms, values, and behaviors are seen as moral and proper whereas those of groups that differ from their own are immoral or improper (Levine & Cambell, 1972).

Sterotypes - Are often overgeneralized, innacurate, and negative ( Hamilton & Sherman, 1996)

Communication accomodation theory - Language and speech(as well as other communicative markers such as dress, house, artifacts, tatoos, etc..) are important elements of personal and social identity ( Giles, & Noels)

To solve any sterotyping, the Uncertainty reduction method can be applied.

The idea that rednecks are simply working class citizens may be explored as well, but the focus should remain on media sterotypes of "rednecks".

A section on reserch questions and methods should be in the paper. It should be qualitative in nature.

If the complete reference is needed for the above citations, please let me know and I will send them.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: a Is there a continuum of intelligence from animal to human or are humans unique in terms of memory thinking or language

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1681 Bibliography: 5 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: I would like to talk about positive and negative issues within immigrant children who need bilingual speak. If children are bilinguals, they might be delayed language development and may be they have problems in the school work. Child development is a commitment by an individual to continuously seek information, and education about a particular child cognitive system for everyday living. This could be doing through attending of everyday training such as cognitive issues as speak language, eating foods, toileting, within thinking and memory. Children who grew up bilingual situation, their development are may be little delay than one language use.

Bilingual language learners keep through the same patterns of language and speech development as children achieving a single language. Even if the two languages do not share similarities in pronunciation, children eventually master them both.

However, you can also choose for one of the subject below;

1) Is there a continuum of intelligence from animal to human, or are humans unique in terms of memory, thinking, or language?
2) To what extent does the computer model explain human intelligence and memory?
3) Does language shape thought, or the reverse?
Write a position paper in which you explore this issue with respect to one of the three topics (memory or thinking or language). Using 5 articles and I will send articles.

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Title: Alternative Assessment

Total Pages: 2 Words: 619 Sources: 1 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: EDUC 621 Article Review Instructions

ARTICLES must be:
• Current (within last five years)
• Related to assessment of special needs
• Selected from journals of special education (such as Journal of Learning Disabilities or Teaching Exceptional Children)

Choose ONE article Free full-text articles are available through distance access to the LU library at: DLP Library Services

Article Chapters Topic


REVIEWS must be:
• Typed using Microsoft Office Word (no other computer program is acceptable)
• Headed with your name, course #, article #, and topic and saved as a document of the same title. EXAMPLE: Smith 621 Article1 RTI
• Cited with source at the end of review. Skip one line and type centered heading: Reference. Then type source in APA Style with hanging indent (see examples below).
NOTE: The research manual to be used in all graduate education classes is: American Psychological Association. Concise rules of APA style. Washington, DC: Author. Also, see
• Written in scholarly style. [See sample Article Review.]
• Approximately 1-2 pages in length.
• Opened with a strong thesis statement. [Do not begin “This article is about...”]
• A summary of the author’s main points in the first paragraph.
• A reflection on classroom accommodations related to the article.
• Written in third person, stating your personal reaction to the article in the final paragraph (“This author agrees/disagrees…”).
• Submitted through Blackboard.
• Submitted as scheduled in the Course Chart.

Sample special education journals
[list contributed by Brian Smith]

• American Journal on Mental Retardation
• Behavior Disorders
• Beyond Behavior
• Clearing House
• Diagnostique
• Exceptional Children
• Exceptional Parent
• Focus on Exceptional Children
• Gifted Child Quarterly
• Journal for the Education of Gifted
• Journal of Learning Disabilities
• Journal of Special Education
Language and Speech
• Physical Therapy
• Remedial and Special Education

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Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Creating a Proactive Learning Environmen

Total Pages: 2 Words: 602 References: 1 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: • Choose ONE from professional Journals of Education
ARTICEL WILL BE IN RESOURCE THAT YOU CAN USE. If you have trouble with tis article please let me know
Articles must be current (within the last five years) and must be related to behavior management.
• Indicate electronic address/source used, following APA guidelines for citing this type of source. (See sample below.)
• Type the article review using Microsoft Word (no other computer program is acceptable; such as Works or Word Perfect).
• Each Article should be accompanied by a title/reference page, as well as in-text citations and a reference page which is only the referenece for the article reviewed. Please adhere to APA formatting.
• Utilize a professional writing style. Do not begin "This article is about..." Open the review with a strong thesis statement and summarize the author's main points in the first paragraph. You may use first person to state your personal reaction to the article in the final paragraph. Each article review should be one to two pages in length. [See sample Article Review.]
APA Tips for References [see samples below]
Author: Last name and initials only. For multiple authors insert "&" before last author.
Date: Year first. In parentheses.
Article title: Capitalize only first word, proper nouns, and first word after colon.
Journal title: Italicized. Standard capitalization.
Volume number: Italicized (continued from journal title). Do not use Roman numerals.
Sample APA Entries
Banbury, M. M., & Hebert, C. R. (1992). Do you see what I mean? Teaching Exceptional
Children, 24, 34-38.
Greene, G. (1992). Multiplication facts: memorization made easy. Intervention in
School and Clinic, 27(3), 150-154.
Mahan, V. (1993). Mnemonics and the learning disabled child. Journal of Special
Education, 17(2), 157-166.
Watkins, Carol. (N.D.) Ad/hd co-morbidity: What's under the tip of the iceberg? Attention Deficit Disorder Association retrieved from
Sample Special Education Journals
- American Annals of the Deaf
- American Journal on Mental Retardation
- Behavior Disorders
- Beyond Behavior
- Clearing House
- Diagnostique
- Education and Training in Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities
- Exceptional Children
- Exceptional Parent
- Focus on Exceptional Children
- Gifted Child Quarterly
- Journal for the Education of Gifted
- Journal of Learning Disabilities
- Journal of Special Education
- Language and Speech
- Physical Therapy
- Remedial and Special Education
Name of Article Reviewed
Student Name
EDUC 624
Date of Submission

Response to Intervention, also known as RTI, is a multi-tiered process which identifies and helps to provide differentiated instruction to students who are experiencing academic and/or behavioral difficulties. RTI consists of multiple tiers of intervention which ranges from whole group instruction to intensive small group instruction (Murawski & Hughes, 2009). This new method affects all parties in the education field including but not limited to regular education teachers, special education teachers, students, and administrators. Murawski and Hughes stated: The RTI emphasis on pro-active instruction, ongoing assessment, data-based decision making, and intensive instruction greatly affects the general education teacher and classroom (p.268). Due to RTI’s unique design Murawski and Hughes proposed collaboration and co-teaching as necessary factors to properly implement any Response to Intervention model.
Most schools use the three-tiered model of Response to Intervention. In Tier I all students are provided with a research-based program in the general education classroom and are assessed three times per year on an established benchmark (Murawski & Hughes, 2009). If students fall below the required benchmark, they are referred to Tier II in which specific intensive instruction is provided in a small group. If a student fails to respond to Tier II instruction it may ultimately result in the child being placed into Tier III. Murawski and Hughes reported that Tier I consisted of approximately 80% of the student population while Tier II consisted of 25% to 7%, and Tier III consisted of approximately 5% of the student population.
Collaboration and co-teaching are critical factors for the success of RTI as noted by Murawski and Hughes (2009). Both provide numerous opportunities for educators to develop research-based practices using the expertise of both, general and special educators. More differentiation can be provided within the regular classroom, and educators have the opportunity to combine their approaches which results in greater learning for all.
I believe that RTI offers a promising outlook to improving the academic achievement of all students. When implemented correctly, RTI appears to be a logical approach. However, as Murawski and Hughes (2009) proposed collaboration and co-teaching are important factors that will greatly aid in delivering an effective model of RTI. Schools must address these issues using a system-wide approach in order to increase the chances of success.
Murawski, W. W. & Hughes, C. E. (2009). Response to Intervention, collaboration, and co- teaching: A logical combination for successful systematic change. Preventing School Failure, 53,(4), 267-277.

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